Ecology survey recommendations

22 October 2016

What force do ecology survey recommendations have?

Some appear to be job creation schemes for report authors. For example, while recommendation to clear vegetation working from middle to boundary to enable reptile dispersal seem sensible. The need to for this to be monitored by a qualified ecologist seems unnecessary.


Ecology surveys are often a condition of planning consent and some are requested before permission is ultimately determined. It depends on your site location and the possible impact that development could have on the local environment and biodiversity. The aim of the ecological assessment process is to obtain the best possible biodiversity outcomes from land use changes. Therefore, when conditioned by a planning authority, the ecology expert must demonstrate best practice and, where necessary, monitoring over a period of time. Many clients will deem these studies to be unnecessary and will resent any consequential project delays but the only way to challenge best practice would be to employ another consultant to evaluate what the first one has recommended.

Tim Doherty (Build It Expert)

8 November 2016

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