Changing our plans

3 December 2012

We have outline planning permission on a rear garden plot with access to the left of our existing house. We want to change this access to the other side. Do we need permission to do this? If so, what type of application is needed? We don’t want to have to start from scratch if possible.


You do need permission to make any change to permitted plans. However, you can ask the council to accept the change as a ‘minor amendment’. This involves sending in a couple of sets of plans, and hopefully having the council rubber-stamp one and send it back as approved. However, the change could have implications for the amenities of neighbours, so it is more likely that the council will ask for a new application. You could either make a new outline application, or, if you’re going to apply to get the details of the scheme approved, simply make a new detailed application. If you make a new outline within 12 months of the original application you won’t have to pay another application fee.

3 December 2012

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