Soakaway solution

3 December 2012

We have an area outside where water collects and someone has recommended a natural soakaway to deal with the problem. What is this and how would you create one?


In its simplest form, a soakaway is a hole in the ground backfilled with brick rubble and overlaid with a polythene membrane before the topsoil is replaced. Usually rainwater pipes or gullies are connected to it using 110mm PVC-U underground pipework. An old rule of thumb is 1m³ capacity per rainwater pipe connected. Modern versions use a ‘milk crate’ type system which has a greater capacity per unit size due to its honeycomb design. Whatever type is adopted, soakaways should always be located 5m away from any buildings (including neighbouring properties) and usually downhill from the building if possible. For more detailed information, visit the soakaway page on

3 December 2012

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