Can I develop land outside the village envelope and in an ‘unsustainable location’?

19 August 2020
by Archive User

Hi there,

I have a piece of land with a large barn on it that was denied planning on multiple occasions/appeals. The local council objected to the application due to it being outside the village envelope even though its just a few metres from another property. The main reason for refusal was that the land was in an unsustainable location.

The local council only achieved 67% of the required housing delivery over the last three years, which I thought would benefit my chance of planning - but I can't see a way around being in an unsustainable location!

Is it worth attempting another planning submission for a new dwelling disregarding the barn or do you think the land will always be refused planning until policy changes?

One Answer

  1. Mike Dade says:

    The fact this conversion project has previously been refused at appeal means the most recent appeal decision is likely the key to whether a new application might succeed. You’ll need to look at the decision letter and consider whether anything significant has changed since it was determined. One thing that might be different is the housing land supply position, which, as it stands, is helpful to you. Also, does the appeal decision pre-date local or national planning policy? The current National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) indicates that the re-use of redundant buildings in isolated locations can be acceptable where the scheme enhances the immediate setting of the building. Consequently a conversion of the barn is a stronger candidate than a new stand-alone house. This is really a case where professional advice would be worthwhile, to ensure you seize any opportunities, and equally avoid wasting money if there are none.

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