Cupa Pizzaras

Not all natural slates are the same. Besides its beautiful appearance, Heavy 3 can last over a hundred years, making it a very cost-effective roofing material!

Its extra thickness of 7-8 mm gives it the perfect strength to withstand Scottish weather while boosting the value of any property.

Heavy 3 is more cost effective than concrete or ceramic tiles, which typically last approximately 50 years.

Impermeable to water

Its extra thickness gives it strength to combat dampness, high wind speeds and driving rains common throughout Scotland.

Weather and UV resistant

Unchanged properties over time without the need for maintenance.

Chemical resistant

Not affected by chemicals or pollutants (acid or alkali) exterior.

Other characteristics of slate, such as strength and impermeability, are also superior to those of concrete and ceramics.

Not damaged

By fungi, moss, insects, animals or birds.


While weighing substantially less than man-made roofing tiles.


Natural slate is a material that does not ignite.

Heavy 3 slate is quarried from the CUPA PIZARRAS No 3 quarry in San Pedro de Trones (León) in northern Spain. This quarry has been in operation since 1892 and produces around 25,000 tons each year!

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