What Guidance is there for Submitting Building Applications and Drawings?

21 May 2018
by Archive User

I am a planning engineer in the construction industry of over 25 years, and l would like to start submitting building applications and drawings to councils for clients. Is there a course l could attend that teaches you what needs to be done and the processes to follow?

One Answer

  1. Shona Jackson says:

    Hi Vladimir,

    There are plenty of resources to guide you through this process. Firstly, you may find this article from Build It provides a helpful overview on this topic.

    I would also encourage you to read the Planning Portal’s thorough guidance on which documents you should submit with your application.

    In terms of other resources, the Royal Town Planning Institute has a list of UK-wide courses on their website, as well as details of planning education events.

    Furthermore, the University of Westminster and the University of the West of England both offer professional short courses in planning practice.

    I hope this is of help to you.

    Kind regards,

    Shona, Digital Editorial Assistant

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