Partially demolished building

9 August 2016

We had a mixture of planning approval and permitted development approval to extend on to our bungalow and change an out building/workshop to a garage. We started to build the detached garage first and then in order to build the extensions that we had been granted in the most logical way to the bungalow, the builders removed the roof and 2 of the walls. Enforcement Officers then told us to stop building which we did. We have been asked to re build the bungalow and have put in more plans. In the meantime the Council are now stating that the garage is not legal ? How do we stand?
There is also an attached garage clearly built with the bungalow but without a door linking. Does this attached garage count when we are considering building off the back wall and as part of the measurement for the width of the house ? It is certainly part of the building. We seem to be going round in circles. Can you advise ?

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