Planning for a biomass boiler

27 July 2015

My planning officer has just told me that he is waiting for the environmental report is see if i can install a biomass boiler. I cannot find any information on this.


An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is usually only required for an industrial-sized plant, however, there are a few other reasons why the officer could require a report for a smaller scale installation.

Biomass systems aren’t subject to the same planning restrictions and permitted development (PD) conditions as air source heat pumps. That being said, for any sensitive application (such as those in listed buildings or areas of outstanding natural beauty) you may need to determine the visual impact of the flue, fuel storage and boiler housing. Also, in a smoke control zone with high levels of certain pollutants a biomass installation may not be possible, despite being exempt from the legislation.

Access for fuel delivery may also be a concern for the planning officer, as it will inevitably arrive in a large vehicle. Any increase in traffic frequency, noise impact or additional hard-standing infrastructure will also need to be assessed.

David Hilton, sustainable buildings expert & speaker at the NSBRC

26 November 2015

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